Everybody hates those dreaded "get-to-know-you" games that are played at almost any work, church, or school function. The questions can be as benign as "What is your favorite color?" or "Where is your favorite place to vacation?" but on occasion they get much deeper such as "Where do you picture yourself in 10 years?" or "What is your deepest regret?" 

These questions may serve a purpose, however, if you are like me you might just end up questioning your life's choices.  

One day during a particularly grueling round of a "get-to-know-you" game I was asked "What is the best gift you have ever been given?"  I froze for a minute. What IS the best gift I have ever been given?

I have been blessed with amazing parents, friends and family who have given me the world, but yet this question puzzled me. In all my years of living, how does one gift not stand out from the rest?

I think back to when I was two years old getting a little child sized chair with my name on it and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I think of the bouquet of flowers my husband gave me after an especially difficult day at work. I think of my class ring that my parents bought me for my graduation with a small birthstone on it. I remember my husband surprising me with a trip to New York City and crying for weeks over the excitement. Yet, none of them felt just right. 

Finally, as all eyes in the group were on me I finally answered, " Honestly the best gift I have been given is the feeling I get when I receive gifts from those who love me". People thought it was the cheesiest answer ever and it moved on to the next person in the circle. 

It's true though. Whether it be receiving a vacation, a necklace (Like the one from the "My Doctor Told Me I Should Accessorize More" Box), or a hand written card from my grandmother , the gifts that I love the most come from the people who love me the most. Gifts will grow old, break, or soon be forgotten, but the way that people make you feel can never be erased.  As cheesy as it may sound it really is the thought that counts. 


July 21, 2021 — Morgan Falevai

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