What Can I do to Make My Office Fun?

Work can often be stressful and monotonous, leaving employees feeling drained and unmotivated. That's why it's important to have fun at work and incorporate fun activities into the workplace to boost morale and create a positive work environment. In this article, we will explore various fun activities for the office and provide tips on how to plan and execute them.


What is a Fun Team Building Activity?

A fun team building activity is any event or game that brings employees together to participate in an enjoyable experience. These team building activities can range from outdoor sports to board games and everything in between. The purpose of these activities is to foster a sense of camaraderie and promote teamwork among colleagues.

Examples of Small Fun Activities for Employees

  1. Scavenger Hunt
  2. Egg Drop
  3. Human Knot
  4. Chess Competition or Board Games Tournament
  5. Escape Rooms
  6. Paperclip Game
  7. Alphabet Game
  8. Telephone Pictionary Game
  9. Office Olympics
  10. Who Am I?
  11. Office Trivia NIght
  12. Photo Scavenger Hunt
  13. Blindfolded Obstacle Course
  14. Word Association
  15. Blind Drawing
  16. Community Service
  17. Costume Contest
  18. Two Truths and a Lie

Scavenger Hunt

Employee Scavenger Hunt

Divide employees into small groups and create a list of clues for them to solve in order to find hidden items around the office or at a local park.

Egg Drop

Egg Drop Team Building Activity

Have teams build contraptions to protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a certain height. The last person with an intact egg wins.

Human Knot

Human Knott

Have employees stand in a circle and grab hands with two different people. They must then untangle themselves without letting go of each other's hands.

Chess Tournament or Board Game Tournament

Organize a chess competition during lunch breaks or after work hours to encourage friendly competition and strategic thinking. A fun game is a great way to get new employees to engage with team leaders and others in your organization. Have employees bring their favorite games to play to encourage participation. If you have remote employees, consider creating a virtual environment where games can be played online. Don't forget to award points to the winners and then give a branded gift or prize to the winner.

Escape Rooms

Book an escape room and have employees work together to solve puzzles and escape within a set time limit. If you are involving multiple teams or even the entire company, you can provide a price to the team who finishes first or who has the most points.

The Paper Clip Game

This game challenges teams to create something new using only a few paperclips. Divide the group into teams and give each team a handful of paperclips. Set a time limit and see which team can create the most interesting object.

The Alphabet Game

This game is great for long car rides or as a quick mental break during the workday. Starting with the letter A, each person has to name something that starts with that letter. Go through the entire alphabet and see who can come up with the most creative answers.

Telephone Pictionary

This game combines the classic games of Telephone and Pictionary. Each person starts by writing a sentence or phrase on a piece of paper. The next person has to draw a picture of that sentence or phrase, and then the next person has to write a sentence or phrase based on the picture. Continue alternating between drawing and writing until you reach the end of the group, then compare the original sentence to the final result.

Office Olympics

Office Olympics

Create a series of games and challenges that can be completed in the office, such as a stapler toss or paperclip chain-making contest. Divide the group into teams and keep track of points to see which team comes out on top.

Who am I

Write down the name of a famous person or character on a sticky note and stick it to someone's forehead. They have to ask yes-or-no questions to figure out who they are, such as "Am I a singer?" or "Am I a cartoon character?" The rest of the group can only respond with yes or no.

Office Trivia Night

Host an office trivia night and create a series of trivia questions about your company or industry and see who knows the most. This game is great for encouraging teamwork, as coworkers can work together to come up with the answers.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items or situations that need to be photographed around the office or nearby area. Divide the group into teams and see who can take pictures of all the items on the list first.

Blindfolded Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course in a large room or outside area, then blindfold one person from each team. The rest of the team has to guide their blindfolded teammate through the obstacle course using only verbal instructions. The first team to get all their members through the course wins.

Word Association

This game is simple but effective for getting the creative juices flowing. Start with a word, and then each person has to say a word that is associated with it. For example, if the starting word is "dog," the next person might say "leash," and then the next person might say "walk." Continue around the group until you run out of ideas.

Blind Drawing

Pair employees up and have one person describe an object while the other person tries to draw it without looking at it. This game aims to improve communication and teamwork.

Community Service:

Employee Community Service

Plan a day where employees volunteer at a local charity or nonprofit organization. This activity promotes a sense of community and gives employees the opportunity to give back.

Costume Day:

Employee Costume Contest

Host a costume contest during Halloween or any other holiday to encourage creativity and team spirit.

Two Truths and One Lie:

Give employees a few minutes to think about some truths and lies about themselves. Then have employees take turns sharing two true statements and one false statement about themselves, and have the group guess which statement is the lie. Be sure that the truths and lies being disclosed are appropriate so you don't get a visit from the HR professionals.

Fun office games don't need to be complicated. These easy team building activities require very little preparation but can be a great way to engage the entire team. Healthy competition between different departments encourages employees to work together which helps improve communication skills, leadership skills, and fosters creative ideas. Don't forget to get some corporate gifts for the winning team.

What are Some Fun Team Building Activities

Team bonding activities are events or exercises specifically designed to bring employees together and foster a sense of community and teamwork. These activities can include icebreakers, team-building exercises, and group outings. You may want to tweak these activities for small teams and remote teams if needed. Don't forget to think about how you will engage remote employees. Successful companies know that team building events encourage employee engagement. A great game might be just the thing to bring employees together.

Remote Employee Activities

Examples of a Fun Team Building Event

  1. The Marshmallow Challenge
  2. Minute to Win It Games
  3. Improv Workshop
  4. Volunteer Day
  5. Cooking Class
  6. Paint and Sip
  7. Board Game Tournament
  8. Sports Day
  9. Talent Show
  10. Karaoke Night
  11. Escape the Office
  12. Treasure Hunt
  13. Mindfulness Workshop
  14. Puzzle Challenge
  15. Lego Building Challenge
  16. Outdoor Adventure
  17. Office Makeover
  18. Office Book Club
  19. Improving the Community
  20. Speed Networking


The Marshmallow Challenge:

In this activity, teams must build the tallest tower they can using only uncooked spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow at the top.

Minute to Win It Games:

These fast-paced games challenge teams to complete simple tasks within a minute, such as stacking cups, balancing balls, or blowing up balloons.

Improv Workshop:

An improv workshop can help teams improve their communication and collaboration skills, as well as encourage creative thinking.

Volunteer Day:

A volunteer day can provide an opportunity for teams to bond while giving back to the community. Instead of choosing the service opportunity ask your staff to provide new ideas for service which will help them feel more involved and committed.

Cooking Class:

Cooking Class Team Building Activity

A cooking class can be a fun way for teams to learn new skills, work together, and enjoy a meal together.

Paint and Sip:

In this activity, teams can enjoy a painting class while sipping on wine or other beverages.

Board Games Tournament:

Hosting a board game tournament can encourage friendly competition and team building.

Sports Day:

Employee Sports Day

A sports day can be a great way for teams to bond while participating in friendly games of basketball, soccer, or other sports.

Talent Show:

A talent show can provide an opportunity for teams to showcase their unique talents and build camaraderie.

Karaoke Night:

Employee Karaoke Night

Hosting a karaoke night can provide a fun and entertaining way for teams to let loose and have some fun. Combine your Karaoke with a company happy hour to create an exciting team building event.

Escape the Office:

Similar to an escape room, teams must work together to solve puzzles and find clues to escape the office within a set time limit.

Treasure Hunt:

A treasure hunt can be a fun way for teams to explore the surrounding area and work together to find clues and solve puzzles.

Mindfulness Workshop:

A mindfulness workshop can help teams learn stress-management techniques and improve overall well-being.

Puzzle Challenge:

In this activity, teams must work together to complete a complex puzzle within a set time limit.

Lego Building Challenge:

Team Lego Building Activity

Teams can work together to build complex structures using Lego blocks.

Outdoor Adventure:

Employee Outdoor Team Building Activities

An outdoor adventure, such as hiking or camping, can provide a fun and challenging experience for teams to bond over.

Office Makeover:

Decorate the Office

In this activity, teams can work together to redecorate and improve the office space. As they work, remind them of your company culture and how they can tie their decorating efforts to that culture. Make sure you check with your HR professionals about what is appropriate or not and be sure to be respectful of company property.

Office Book Club:

Hosting an office book club can encourage employees to read and discuss books together, improving communication and teamwork. Allow employees to select a book and then give everyone a few weeks to read it before meeting again to discuss it.

Improving the Community:

Teams can work together to improve the community by participating in activities such as litter clean-up, tree planting, or other community-building projects.

Speed Networking:

In this activity, teams can meet with other departments or teams for short periods of time, allowing for increased communication and networking.


How can I make my office more fun?

Employees Having Fun at Work

Now that we've looked at some fun activities that you can do at work, let's talk about how you can make the office environment more enjoyable. Making your office more fun can boost employee morale and increase productivity. Here are some tips on how to make your office more fun:


  1. Create a positive work environment
  2. Encourage Collaboration
  3. Celebrate milestones and achievements
  4. Host team-building activities
  5. Provide opportunities for learning and growth
  6. Encourage a healthy work-life balance
  7. Embrace a fun company culture
  8. Have a themed dress-up day
  9. Create a fun break room
  10. Organize potluck lunches
  11. Host a talent show
  12. Celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries
  13. Allow for personalization
  14. Have a "bring your pet to work" day
  15. Start a book club
  16. Plan company outings
  17. Create a suggestion box
  18. Host a team lunch

Create a positive work environment:

Make sure the workplace is clean, comfortable, and welcoming. Consider adding some plants, art, or decorations to the office to brighten up the space.

Encourage collaboration:

Set up open workspaces that promote collaboration and team work. Encourage employees to share ideas and work together on projects.

Celebrate milestones and achievements:

Celebrate Employee Birthdays

Recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements with small tokens of appreciation such as a personalized note or small gift. Make sure to celebrate work anniversaries, birthdays, and other important milestones.  Don't forget the employee anniversary gifts or employee birthday gifts.

Host team-building activities:

Plan team-building activities like scavenger hunts, volunteer events, or happy hours to promote bonding among coworkers. These fun office activities can help break down barriers between team members and improve communication.

Provide opportunities for learning and growth:

Offer training and development opportunities for employees to learn new skills and advance their careers. This can help employees feel more invested in their work and the company.

Encourage a healthy work-life balance:

Offer flexible work arrangements, encourage employees to take breaks, and provide opportunities for exercise and relaxation, such as yoga or meditation classes.

Embrace a fun company culture:

Encourage employees to share their interests and hobbies with each other. Plan events or outings that cater to employee interests such as a board game night or a book club.

Have a themed dress-up day:

Encourage employees to dress up in costumes or outfits related to a theme, such as a particular decade, holiday, or movie/TV show.

Create a fun break room:

Make the break room a place where employees can relax and have fun. Add comfortable seating, games (such as foosball or ping pong), books, puzzles, and a snack station with healthy snacks.

Organize potluck lunches:

Have each employee bring in a dish to share, and enjoy a delicious and diverse meal together.

Host a talent show:

Give employees the opportunity to showcase their talents, whether it's singing, dancing, juggling, or something else.

Celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries:

Recognize and celebrate employees' milestones with a card, cake, or small gift.

Allow for personalization:

Give employees the freedom to decorate their workspace in a way that reflects their personality and interests.

Have a "bring your pet to work" day:

Bring Pet to Work Day

This can be a fun way to encourage colleagues to get to know more about each other and promote a positive work-life balance.

Start a book club:

Encourage employees to read and discuss a book together. This can promote personal and professional growth while also fostering a sense of community.

Plan company outings:

Organize outings to local attractions or events, such as a baseball game or a concert.

Create a suggestion box:

Allow employees to provide feedback and suggest ideas for improving the workplace. This can help foster a sense of ownership and collaboration among employees.

Host a team lunch:

Employee Lunch

Team lunches are a great way to keep employees engaged and get feedback from staff members in an informal environment. It's okay to talk about work but allow time for other types of employee engagement as well by encouraging employees to talk about non-work related things while on their lunch break.


Remember that creating a fun work environment takes time and effort, but the benefits are worth it. A positive work environment can increase employee satisfaction, reduce turnover, and ultimately lead to greater success for the company.


How do you host fun activities in the office? 

Hosting fun activities in the office or icebreaker games can help boost employee engagement, increase productivity, and strengthen relationships between employees. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to organize and execute fun activities in the office:


1.    Define the Purpose and Goals of the Activity Before planning any activity, it is important to define the purpose and goals of the activity. Are you trying to promote team building? Celebrate a milestone? Improve morale? Facilitate team bonding? Whatever the purpose, make sure that it is clear to everyone involved so that you can plan accordingly.

2.    Identify the Budget Once you have defined the purpose of the activity, it is important to identify the budget that you have to work with. This will help you to determine the type of activity that you can plan, the venue that you can afford, and the number of participants that you can accommodate.

3.    Choose the Activity Based on the purpose and budget, you can now choose an appropriate activity. This can be anything from a team-building exercise, to a game, to a volunteer event. Make sure that the activity is suitable for the size and demographics of your team, and that it aligns with your company values and culture.

4.    Choose the Venue Once you have chosen the activity, you can now choose the venue. This can be anywhere from a conference room in your office, to an outdoor space, to a rented event space. Make sure that the venue is accessible, convenient, and suitable for the activity that you have planned.

5.    Determine the Logistics After choosing the venue, you can now determine the logistics of the activity. This includes the date and time, the duration of the activity, the number of participants, the equipment and supplies needed, and any transportation or catering needs.

6.    Send Out Invitations Once you have determined the logistics, it is time to send out invitations to the participants. Make sure to include all relevant details such as the date, time, location, and purpose of the activity. Encourage participation and make it clear that the activity is voluntary.

7.    Plan the Details Now that you have confirmed the participation of the participants, it is time to plan the details of the activity. This includes creating an agenda or itinerary, assigning roles and responsibilities, and preparing any materials or equipment needed. Make sure to communicate these details to all participants in advance.

8.    Execute the Activity On the day of the activity, make sure to arrive early to set up the venue and ensure that everything is in place. Follow the agenda or itinerary, and make sure to facilitate the activity in a fun and engaging way. Encourage participation and make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves.

9.    Follow Up After the activity is over, make sure to follow up with the participants. Thank them for their participation, gather feedback on the activity, and assess whether the goals and purpose were achieved. Use this feedback to improve future activities and to strengthen relationships between employees.


Hosting fun activities in the office can be a great way to boost morale, increase productivity, and strengthen relationships between employees. By following these steps, you can organize and execute a successful activity that will benefit your team and your company. Don't forget to include your remote employees or your virtual team members. You might want to consider activities more conducive to remote teams.

How do you make an employee event fun?

Plan Fun Employee Activities

Planning and executing employee events can be a great way to foster a positive and fun workplace culture. Whether you are organizing a holiday party or a team-building activity, the goal is to create an event that employees will enjoy and look forward to. Here are some tips on how to plan and execute successful employee events:


1.    Start with a clear goal: Before planning any event, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind. What do you want to achieve with this event? Is it to celebrate a holiday or milestone, or is it to promote team building and collaboration? Having a clear goal will help you make decisions about the event and ensure that it meets the needs of each team member.

2.    Get input from employees: To ensure that your event is well-received, it’s important to get input from your employees. Send out a survey or hold a brainstorming session to gather ideas and suggestions. This will help you tailor the event to the interests and preferences of your employees.

3.    Choose a theme: A theme can add excitement and cohesiveness to your event. Whether it’s a holiday theme or a team-building theme, choosing a theme can help you tie together all of the event elements, from decorations to activities.

4.    Consider the logistics: Once you have a clear goal and a theme, it’s important to consider the logistics of the event. Will it be held during work hours or after hours? Will it be held on-site or off-site? Will food and drinks be provided? By considering these logistics early on, you can ensure that your event runs smoothly and that your employees are able to fully enjoy the experience.

5.    Plan activities and entertainment: Activities and entertainment can make or break an employee event. Consider team building activities that promote team building and collaboration, such as a scavenger hunt or a team-building exercise. You may also want to provide entertainment, such as a live band or a magician. Make sure that the activities and entertainment are aligned with your theme and the interests of your employees.

6.    Provide food and drinks: Food and drinks are a key part of any event. Depending on the time of day and the nature of the event, you may want to provide a full meal or just snacks and drinks. Make sure to consider any dietary restrictions or preferences of your employees.

7.    Decorate the space: Decorating the space can help create a festive and fun atmosphere. Consider using decorations that are aligned with your theme, such as holiday decorations or team-building decorations. You may also want to consider adding some fun elements, such as a photo booth or a balloon arch.

8.    Communicate details clearly: Once you have planned the event, it’s important to communicate the details clearly to your employees. Make sure to provide all of the important details, such as the date, time, location, and dress code. You may also want to create a schedule of activities so that employees know what to expect.

9.    Follow up after the event: After the event, it’s important to follow up with your employees. Ask for feedback on the event and take note of any suggestions for improvement. This will help you continue to improve your employee events and ensure that your employees feel valued and appreciated.


By following these tips, you can plan and execute successful employee events that are fun, engaging, and memorable.

How do you help employees have fun at work?

Making employees have fun at work can boost morale, increase job satisfaction, and improve overall productivity. Creating a positive work environment can be achieved through various strategies and approaches. Here are some detailed strategies for promoting a fun and positive work environment:

  1. Encourage creativity and innovation: Allow employees to express their creativity by providing opportunities for them to be innovative in their work. Encourage employees to think outside the box, and reward them for coming up with creative solutions.
  2. Celebrate milestones and achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate employee milestones and achievements. This can be done through recognition programs, such as employee of the month, or by simply acknowledging a job well done in front of the team.
  3. Provide opportunities for socializing: Create opportunities for employees to socialize and get to know each other. This can include events such as team lunches, happy hours, or company outings.
  4. Offer flexible work arrangements: Offering flexible work arrangements can show employees that their work-life balance is important to the company. This can include options such as working from home, flexible hours, or compressed work weeks.
  5. Encourage physical activity: Promote physical activity in the workplace by offering incentives for employees who participate in fitness challenges or who use active transportation to commute to work. Provide opportunities for employees to take breaks and stretch throughout the day.
  6. Create a comfortable work environment: Provide a comfortable work environment that meets the needs of employees. This can include ergonomic furniture, natural lighting, and temperature control.
  7. Offer professional development opportunities: Providing opportunities for employees to develop their skills and advance their careers can improve job satisfaction and retention. This can include training programs, mentoring, and career development plans.
  8. Provide incentives for participation: Encourage employees to participate in office activities by providing incentives such as gift cards or extra vacation days. This can help boost participation and make employees feel valued.
  9. Encourage feedback and suggestions: Encourage employees to provide feedback and suggestions for improving the workplace. This can include regular surveys, suggestion boxes, or regular check-ins with managers.
  10. Lead by example: Finally, it’s important for managers and leadership to lead by example. Encourage participation in office activities and make it clear that a positive and fun work environment is a priority for the company.


Creating a fun and positive work environment requires a combination of strategies, including encouraging creativity, celebrating achievements, providing opportunities for socializing, offering flexible work arrangements, encouraging physical activity, creating a comfortable work environment, providing professional development opportunities, providing incentives for participation, encouraging feedback and suggestions, and leading by example. By implementing these strategies, companies can create a workplace culture that promotes happiness, job satisfaction, and productivity.


Having fun at work and creating a positive and fun work environment is essential for any successful business, as it can boost job satisfaction and improve overall productivity. There are various strategies that can be used to promote this type of environment, such as fun activities, encouraging creativity, celebrating achievements, providing social opportunities, offering flexible arrangements, promoting physical activity, and creating a comfortable workspace. Additionally, professional development opportunities should be provided, incentives should be given for participation in office activities and feedback should be encouraged. Finally, managers must lead by example to ensure the success of these efforts. By implementing these strategies companies can create an atmosphere that promotes happiness, job satisfaction, and productivity.


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March 31, 2023 — Matt Graham

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